Jurnal Penelitian

Selain kegiatan perkuliahan, mahasiswa Magister Psikologi juga aktif dalam mempublikasikan artikel penelitian di jurnal nasional dan jurnal internasional.

Nama MahasiswaJudul Artikel dan Nama JurnalPenulisSDGsKategori PublikasiKeterangan
Fathina ‘AzizahKajian Neuroarsitektur pada Situs Warisan Budaya. Buletin Psikologi, 32(1), 68-85.Azizah, F., Sulastri, A., Khakim, Z. (2024).SDG 3, 11NasionalHasil tugas kelas Neuropsikologi
Rima HariatiFungsi Neurokognitif pada Remaja dengan Perilaku Melukai Diri Sendiri: Sebuah Tinjauan Literatur Naratif. Buletin Psikologi, 32(1), 41-55.Hariati, R. (2024).SDG 3, 4, 5, 10NasionalHasil tugas kelas Neuropsikologi
Lisa Angela, Wina Aulia, dan Balya Galuh Jiehan Safira Rahma“No Viral, No Justice”: Unveiling the Phenomenon of Digital Vigilantism from a Psychological Perspective. Buletin Psikologi, 32(2), 113-137Angela, L., Aulia, W., Rahma, B. G. J. S. (2024). “NSDG 4, 5, 9, 10, 11NasionalHasil tugas kelas Cyberpsychology and Social Networking
Muthmainah Budiman dan Andi Khaerul ImamSebuah Analisis Bibliometrik pada Penelitian Alexithymia. Buletin Psikologi, 32(2), 205-224.Budiman, M., & Imam, A. K. (2024).SDG 3, 4, 8, 16NasionalHasil tugas kelas Cyberpsychology and Social Networking
Muhammad Nurrifqi Fuadi, Ahmad Yusrifan Amrullah, Fitri Nur SurayaPeta Riset Online Dating: Sebuah Analisis Bibliometrik. Buletin Psikologi, 32(2), 225-248Fuadi, M. N., Amrullah, A. Y., & Suraya F. N. (2024).SDG 3, 4, 5, 10, 16NasionalHasil tugas kelas Cyberpsychology and Social Networking
Haryanti MustikaThe use of UGM’s eLOK as a Student Learning Outcomes Evaluation Platform. GamaJop, 10(1), 23-30.Marvianto, R. D., Mustika, H., & Kusumawardani, S. S. (2024).SDG 4, 9, 10, 17Nasional
Dwi Yan NugrahaThe Effect of Workplace Well-being on Task Performance in Employees: The Mediating Role of Work Engagement. GamaJPP, 10(2), 98-104.Siswanti, D. N., Daud, M., Nugraha, D. Y., Zhalifunnas, M.S., & Nugraha, D. R. (2024).SDG 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10Nasional
Aliya Zahra Budiman, Ivana Nur IntisharHidup Tanpa Imajinasi: Sebuah Kajian Neuropsikologi Mengenai Aphantasia. Jurnal Sinestesia, 13(2), 1208-1215.Budiman, A. Z., Pertiwi, A. P., Nadia, B. U. A., Febianti, F. A., Intishar, I. N., & Rahma, S. A. (2023).SDG 3, 4, 9, 10NasionalHasil tugas kelas Neuropsikologi
Shafira Ulfa RahmaniTransformation and Challenges of Digital Journalism in Aceh. Komunikator, 15(1), 41-53.Fauzi, F., Marhamah, M., & Rahmani, S. U. (2023).SDG 4, 5, 10, 16Nasional
FitriaHypatia of Alexandria: Feminisme dan Peran Simbolis Perempuan dalam Mengembangkan Ilmu Pengetahuan. Jurnal Filsafat Indonesia, Vol 7(2)Fitria. (2024).SDG 4, 5Nasional
Annisaul HamidahThe Influence of Self-Efficacy and Love of Work on Teacher Work Engagement in the Frontier, Outermost, Disadvantaged (3T) Regions of Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan. Journal of Educational, Health & Community Psychology (JEHCP), 13(2).Auliaa, A., Hamidah, A., & Retno Ambar Danastri, A. D. (2024).SDG 4, 8Nasional
Qaulan SadidaKesesuaian Pemilihan Kata Kunci Penulis pada Publikasi Sustainable Development Goals. Media Informasi, 33(1), 25-39.Fauzi, S., Ermawati, N., Nurjanah, U., & Sadida, Q. (2024)SDG 4, 9, 17Nasional
Tenga Araminta Nadia Riwu KahoKontribusi Celebrity Worship terhadap Pembelian Impulsif Remaja Penggemar K-Pop. Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan, 9(9), 338-343.Kaho, T. A. N. R., Wijaya, R. P. C., & Benu, J. M. (2023).SDG 3, 4, 12Nasional
Ivana Nur intisharAcademic Dishonesty in Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Gender, Moral Self-Concept, and Academic Self-Efficacy. Jurnal Psikologi, 51(2), 121-140.Intishar, I. N., Ampuni, S., & Buwono, S. B. S. (2024).SDG 4, 5, 16Nasional
Ivana Nur intisharPengaruh Perkembangan Otak pada Kemampuan Kognitif dan Perilaku dari Masa Infansi hingga Dewasa: Tinjauan Terkini. Jurnal Sinestesia, 13(2), 1216-1223.Intishar, I. N. (2023).SDG 3, 4Nasional
Zihan FahiraUnity in Diversity: Examining Religious Moderation across Religions in Indonesia. Dialog, 47(1), 61-76.Maulana, M., Putri, N. N. A., & Fahira, Z. (2024).SDG 4, 5, 10, 11, 17Nasional
Lisa Angela, Fitri Auliani, Yusrifan Amrullah, Wina Aulia dan Syifa FauziahNeuropsychology of friendship: Exploring the intricacies of brain and friendship. Riwayat: Educational Journal of History and Humanities, 6(4), 3105-3113.Angela, L., Auliani, F., Amrullah, A. Y., Fuadi, M. N., Aulia, W., & Fauziah, S. (2023).SDG 3, 4, 10, 16, 17NasionalHasil tugas kelas Neuropsikologi
Muhammad KhatamiMemorizing the quran: exploring academic hardiness, self-efficacy, and perceived social support in islamic schools. International Journal of Islamic Educational Psychology, 4(2), 225-243.Yundianto, D., Khatami, M., Fathony, A., Rangkuti, A. A., & Syahputra, W. (2023).SDG 3, 4, 5, 8, 10Nasional
Muhammad KhatamiFrom Conversation To Competence: The Influence Of ChatGPT Use And Learning Motivation In Improving Self-Directed Learning. Academic Journal of Psychology and Counseling, 5(2), 202-225.Indriani, W., Nawwaf, M. N., Yundianto, D., Erikha, F., & Khatami, M. (2024).SDG 4, 8, 9, 10, 17Nasional
Muhammad KhatamiFrom Imagination to Buying Things: Exploring the Moderation Role of Fear of Missing Out in Parasocial Relationship and Purchasing Intention.Khatami, M. (2024).SDG 3, 4, 5,10, 12Nasional
Windasari Hi. ishakBeta Masih Takut: The Story of Forgiveness and Intergroup Anxiety from Post-Conflict Survivors. Jurnal Psikologi, 51(2), 198-218.Mashuri, M. F., Bono, S. A., & Ishak, W. H. (2024).SDG 3, 4, 5, 10, 16Nasional
Arif Budiman Al FarizTiga Dekade Buletin Psikologi (1993-2023): Beberapa Statistik Penting. Buletin Psikologi, 32(1).Putra, K., Dwirifqi, M., Fariz, A., Budiman, A., Zahra, N. S., & Ermawati, N. (2024).SDG 4, 9, 17Nasional
Nina Vania AristawatiMengukur depresi, kecemasan, dan stres pada kelompok dewasa awal di Indonesia: Uji validitas dan reliabilitas konstruk DASS-21. Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat, 10(2), 232-250.Hakim, M. A., & Aristawati, N. V. (2023).SDG 3, 4, 5, 8Nasional
Zulfadli Akbar Amir“Fatherless dan Kekerasan Seksual.” Journal Psikologi Forensik Indonesia 3.1 (2023).Mutmainna, Nurul, Novriana Ramadhana, and Zulfadli Amir (2023).SDG 1, 3, 4, 5, 8Nasional
Anindhita Parasdyapawitra A, Iklima Ritmiani, Rima Hariati, Zararah NasutionExamining the Effects of Exercise on Neuroplasticity and Depression Disorder: Implications for Depression Treatment. Pena Medika: Jurnal Kesehatan, 13(2), 396-406.Amaranggani, A. P., Ritmiani, I., Dubu, R. V. I., Hariati, R., & Nasution, Z. Y. (2023).SDG 3, 4, 5, 8, 10NasionalHasil tugas kelas Neuropsikologi
Novina Sabila ZahraEmpowering Digital Transformation: Developing and Validating a Digital Leadership Scale Through Rasch Model Analysis. Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives, 1-11.Zahra, N. S., & Wirawan, H. (2024).SDG 4, 5, 8, 9, 10Internasional
Novina Sabila ZahraDoes awareness of COVID-19 matter? Investigating the effect of fear of COVID-19 and stress on subjective well-being. Cogent Psychology, 10(1), 2216956.Wirawan, H., Hasbi, H., Samad, M. A., & Zahra, N. S. (2023).SDG 3, 4, 5, 8, 10Internasional
Novina Sabila ZahraWorking Mothers in Indonesian Public Organizations: Investigating the Effect of Work-Family Conflict on Positive Discipline Parenting Via Well-being. Journal of Applied Social Science, 18(1), 45-61.Kadir, A., Wirawan, H., Salam, R., & Zahra, N. S. (2024).SDG 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 16, 17Internasional
Novina Sabila ZahraPsychometric Characteristics of the Culture Fair Intelligence Test Scale 2. JP3I (Jurnal Pengukuran Psikologi dan Pendidikan Indonesia), 11(2), 123-136.Zahra, N. S., Widyastuti, W., & Ridfah, A. (2022).SDG 3, 4, 8, 10Internasional
Zulfadli Akbar AmirReligiosity and Resilience in First Year and Final Year of Medical Students. KnE Social Sciences, 397-414.Cahyaningrum, K., & Amir, Z. A. (2024).SDG 3, 4, 5, 8, 10,Internasional
Nur Diana IndrawatiDifferences in Academic Self-Efficacy Levels in Terms of the Priority Choices of Graduate Profiles on College Students. In Proceedings of International Conference on Psychological Studies (ICPsyche) (Vol. 4, pp. 63-71).Sakti, H., Kaloeti, D. V. S., & Indrawati, N. D. (2023, October).SDG 4, 5, 8, 9, 10Internasional